የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ መንግሥት ይፋዊ ዌብሳይት

Ahmad Khatibi Aghda

ምስራቅ አቅራቢያ - ሰሜን አፍሪካ እና መካከለኛው ምስራቅ


Up to $10 million

የበኩልዎን ያድርጉ

ስለ ተቋሙ

Rewards for Justice is offering a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the identification or location of any person who, while acting at the direction or under the control of a foreign government, participates in malicious cyber activities against U.S. critical infrastructure in violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA).

Ahmad Khatibi Aghda (Khatibi) is wanted for his alleged involvement in a coordinated campaign that compromised hundreds of computer networks across the United States and abroad. Between October 2020 and August 2022, Iranian cyber actors Khatibi, Mansour Ahmadi, and Amir Hossein Nickaein Ravari allegedly gained unauthorized access to protected networks, exfiltrated data, encrypted computer systems, and extorted victims for ransom, causing damage to and disrupting operations of organizations across multiple sectors, including critical infrastructure, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.

Khatibi has been associated with Iran-based cyber company Afkar System Yazd Co. (Afkar) since at least 2007 and serves as Afkar’s managing director and CEO.



ተያያዥ ስፍራዎች፡-


የሚታወቁ ስፍራዎች፡-


የልደት ቀን፡-

March 21, 1977



ብሔራዊ መታወቂያ ቁጥር/ሮች እና አገር፡-

4449889711 (Iran)




Do Your Part. Secure a Safer World.

There are many ways to submit information to Rewards for Justice.

You may choose from multiple platforms and contact us in numerous languages. To process your information efficiently, we ask you to state your information as succinctly as possible, provide your name, location, and preferred language, and upload all relevant files such as photographs, videos, and documents to support your information. An RFJ representative will soon contact you. Please be patient, as RFJ reads every tip we receive.

Please visit our Tor-based tips-reporting channel at: he5dybnt7sr6cm32xt77pazmtm65flqy6irivtflruqfc5ep7eiodiad.onion

መረጃ ይስጡ

የበኩልዎን ያድርጉ

መረጃ ለማቅረብ በርካታ መንገዶች አሉ፡፡

ከተለያዩ ፕላትፎርሞች ሊመርጡ እና በተለያዩ ቋንቋዎች ሊያገኙን ይችላሉ፡፡ የእርስዎን መረጃ በውጤታማነት ለማካሄድ እንዲችሉ፣ የሚሰጡትን መረጃ በተቻለ መጠን እጥር፣ ምጥን ባለ መልኩ እንዲያቀርቡ እንጠይቅዎታለን፤ እንዲሁም ስምዎን ፣ የሚገኙበትን ቦታ፣ የሚመርጡትን ቋንቋ እና እንደ ፎቶግራፍ፣ ቪድዮ እና ሰነዶች ያሉ የእርስዎን መረጃዎች የሚደግፉ ማስረጃዎች አፕሎድ እንዲያደርጉ ልንጠይቅዎ እንችላለን፡፡ የወሮታ ለፍትሕ ወኪልም በአጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ ያገኝዎታል፤ እባክዎን በትዕግስት ይጠብቁን፤ ወሮታ ለፍተሕ እያንዳንዱን መረጃ ያነብባል፡፡

መረጃ ለማቅረብ እባክዎን ሲግናል ማመልከቻዎን ይክፈቱለ፡፡

ቁጥሩ የሚከተለው ነው፡- +1 202 702 7843

መረጃ ለማቅረብ እባክዎን የቴሌግራም አፕሊኬሽንዎን ይክፈቱ፡፡

ቁጥሩ የሚከተለው ነው፡- +1 202 702 7843

እባክዎን በቶር ላይ የተመሠረተ የመጃዎች ሪፖርት ማድረጊያ ቻናላችንን በዚህ ያግኙ፡- he5dybnt7sr6cm32xt77pazmtm65flqy6irivtflruqfc5ep7eiodiad.onion

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