آمريڪي حڪومت جي ھڪ سرڪاري ويب سائيٽ

Mikhail Mikhailovich Gavrilov


Up to $10 million

پنھنجي حصي جي ذميواري ادا ڪيو.

Rewards for Justice is offering a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the identification or location of any person who, while acting at the direction or under the control of a foreign government, participates in malicious cyber activities against U.S. critical infrastructure in violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA).

Mikhail Mikhailovich Gavrilov is a Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) officer who has conspired with others to obtain and maintain unauthorized persistent access to hundreds of U.S. and international energy companies, thereby enabling the Russian government to disrupt and damage such facilities. He and his co-conspirators targeted more than 380 foreign energy-sector companies in 135 countries. Targeted companies included U.S. and foreign global oil and gas firms, utility and electrical grid companies, nuclear power plants, renewable energy companies, consulting and engineering groups, and advanced technology firms.

Gavrilov is a member of an FSB component known as Center 16 where he works in an operational group called Military Unit 71330, recognized by cyber security researchers as “Dragonfly,” “Energetic Bear,” and “Crouching Yeti.”

He has been charged by U.S. authorities with computer intrusion, wire fraud, and aggravated identity theft offenses.

Anyone with information on Mikhail Mikhailovich Gavrilov’s malicious cyber activity should contact Rewards for Justice via the Tor-based tips-reporting channel at: he5dybnt7sr6cm32xt77pazmtm65flqy6irivtflruqfc5ep7eiodiad.onion
(Tor browser required)



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There are many ways to submit information to Rewards for Justice.

You may choose from multiple platforms and contact us in numerous languages. To process your information efficiently, we ask you to state your information as succinctly as possible, provide your name, location, and preferred language, and upload all relevant files such as photographs, videos, and documents to support your information. An RFJ representative will soon contact you. Please be patient, as RFJ reads every tip we receive.

Please visit our Tor-based tips-reporting channel at: he5dybnt7sr6cm32xt77pazmtm65flqy6irivtflruqfc5ep7eiodiad.onion

هڪ ٽپ جمع ڪريو

پنهنجي ذميواري پوري ڪريو. دنيا کي محفوظ بڻائڻ لاءِ.

ٽپ جمع ڪرڻ جا ڪيترائي طريقا آهن.

توھان اسان سان رابطي لاءِ مختلف ٻولين ۽ پليٽ فارمز جو انتخاب ڪري سگھو ٿا . توهان جي معلومات کي موثر طريقي سان پروسيس ڪرڻ لاءِ اسان گزارش ڪريون ٿا تہ توهان پنھجي معلومات کي ممڪل طور تي واضح طور تي بيان ڪريو، توهان جو نالو، مقام، ۽ ترجيح ٻولي ۽ توهان جي معلومات جي سپورٽ لاءِ سڀئي لاڳاپيل فائلون جهڙوڪ تصويرون، وڊيوز ۽ دستاويز اپ لوڊ ڪريو. RFJ جو نمائندو جلد ئي توهان سان رابطو ڪندو. مھرباني ڪري انتطار ڪريو، جيئن تہ RFJ کي مليل ھر ٽپ جي مڪمل طور جانچ ڪئي ويندي آھي.

ٽپ جمع ڪرڻ لاءِ مھرباني ڪري پنھنجي سگنل ايپ کوليو. نمبر ھي آھي 7843 702 202 1+

ٽپ جمع ڪرڻ لاءِ مھرباني ڪري پنھنجي ٽيليگرام ايپ کوليو. نمبر ھي آھي 7843 702 202 1+

مھرباني ڪري اسان Tor-based tips-reporting جي چينل تي وزٽ ڪيو:

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